Portamate PM-3500 Heavy Duty Adjustable Mobile Base Preview

Portamate PM-3500 Adjustable Mobile Base

Portamate PM-3500 Adjustable Mobile Base Makes Tools Up to 1500 Pounds Portable

They’re in shops all over the world – those big, heavy, must have tools that do the real work in your wood shop. You know what I’m talking about. Jointers, lathes, band saws, and the like. What happens when you upgrade by bringing in a new class of tool or replacing one you’ve already got? You need to reorganize your space. This is particularly true if you’re in a relatively small space to begin with. That’s where the Portamate PM-3500 Adjustable Mobile Base comes in handy.

The Portamate PM-3500 takes the heavy duty tools on your shop floor and makes them portable. Holding up to 1500 pounds, it gives these beasts legs to move around the shop easily. Well, wheels actually.

“One of the ways we develop new products is by listening to our customers and we’d hear from woodworkers who have our other mobile bases around their shops, but have that one item that’s just too heavy. They needed a mobile base that could handle that, and with the new PM-3500, we now have an adjustable mobile base for just about anything in your shop.”

“Now owners of larger table saws, band saws, planers, jointers, workbenches, and all manner of workshop equipment have a mobile base that can handle the big boys.”

–  Todd Gluski, Marketing Brand Manager of Portamate’s parent company Affinity Tool Works

Once you have the Portamate PM-3500 mated as the base of your chosen shop tool, wheeling to a new location is easy enough. Locking casters aren’t what I would consider good enough to stabilize these kinds of tools though. Fortunately, Portamate agrees with me. Instead of locking the swiveling caster wheels in place, the PM-3500 raises up to become a stand which eliminates the wheels’ contact with the floor.

The tool is raised on just one side, so the non-swiveling wheels are still on the floor. This should be adequate assuming that your tool is level. There’s a part of me that would feel better if all four wheels had foot levers on them though.

Keep your eyes on Acme Tools for availability!

The biggest benefit is going to come to the shops that are the most cramped for space. Having a Portamate PM-3500 (or other appropriate bases) allows users to create a virtual parking lot for large tools. Bring out just what you need for the day or the moment and roll it back when you’re done. You end up with more space to work around.

The Portamate PM-3500 Adjustable Mobile Base can work in sizes from 18-1/4″ x 23-1/2″ to 28″ x 33-1/2″. Adjustments are made in 1″ increments and optional 36″ extension rails are available. Retail price is set at $149.

Take a look at this intro to the Portamate PM-3500 Adjustable Mobile Base!

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