Saw 3D to Feature Table Saw Challenge

Saw 3D to Feature Table Saw Challenge

As the name suggests, Saw 3D always seems to eventually involve some sort of saws or tools in a twisted way of progressing the plot of the film. Saw 3D actually takes it all the way there with an opening scene that pits two men pushing what look to be live 12″ table saw blades towards each other in an attempt to live while a woman dangles precariously overhead (you can see a brief snippet of the scene in the trailer below). While I love to see power tools used in films, this is probably not exactly the image the industry wants in terms of perceived safety of use of these tools. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if SawStop ends up using this clip to illustrate how this scene would be impossible had these saw blades been equipped with their technology… OK, maybe that’s reaching a bit.

The film is presented in 3D and is supposed to be the last of the franchise – one of the, if not the – most successful grossing series ever in the history of horror. I’m going to hold off on actually recommending the film, but it’s fun to catch power tools actually playing a major role in the conveyance of a movie’s critical scene. We just wish their use wasn’t so… disgusting.

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