OSHA Adopts Cone of Silence as Third Viable Form of Hearing Protection

OSHA approves cone of silence

Managing noise while working is a big deal. For quite some time, OSHA has regulated exposure and maximum sound pressure levels permitted on construction job sites. Now, after months of deliberations and hearings from industry and medical professionals, OSHA adopts the cone of silence as a third viable form of hearing protection for construction job site use.

“After years of testing, we finally received OSHA approval for a revolutionary advancement in job site hearing protection,” said Michael Knight of the Foundation for Listening and Gainstaging Guild. “The cone of silence has long established itself as the staple for international high-security applications. Now, with advancements in nanotechnology, we can finally make this technology available to the construction tradesman.”

OSHA and the Cone of Silence

That’s not to say that OSHA won’t regulate the cone of silence for use on construction sites. For one, the cone requires proper fitting and only maintains effectiveness within the confines of the accessory itself. Manufacturing facilities can use multiple wall-to-wall cone layouts to effectively silence entire buildings otherwise known for dangerous noise production levels.

OSHA Cone of Silence

An Array of Sound Reduction Products

Adding to the available sound reduction products like hearing protection and in-ear sound isolation headphones, the cone of silence appears poised for quick adoption.

However, some companies, while initially attracted to the technology, fear it will be used to ignore supervisors, managers, and others on the job site instead of simply blocking harmful levels of excessive SPL.

Only time will tell.

For more information on the OSHA adoption move, please click here.

PS. April Fools.

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