Milwaukee M18 Cold Laser Cutter for Metal

Milwaukee M18 Cold Laser Cutter

Forgoing all conventions, Milwaukee has once again taken the lead in metal cutting technology with the introduction of the world’s first cold laser cutter. This new cutter uses no blade. Instead, it uses a 300mW yellow laser powered by one of their M18 12Ah High Output batteries.

NOTE: This was an April Fool’s post from 2019

While lasers have been around for quite some time, their use has been primarily restricted to layout tools. Thanks to a breakthrough development, Milwaukee learned how to bounce the laser back and forth across an internal “arc chamber”. This creates a “cold” beam powerful enough to cut steel up to 1/4-inches in thickness.

Yellow Cold Laser Cutting Technology

Unlike a torch or rotary cutting tool, the laser provides precise cutting with no burrs or rough edges. It also cuts incredibly quickly and with very little heat transfer. Milwaukee developed the yellow laser technology after experimenting with green lasers for two years and finding the wavelength to be too wide for cutting applications. Once yellow lasers proved effective, size reduction followed, and the tool now closely resembles the Milwaukee M18 FUEL jigsaw.

milwaukee cold laser technology
Early Milwaukee cold yellow laser prototype

“Milwaukee’s yellow laser cutting technology is unlike anything on the market today. It will revolutionize the fabrication and welding industries overnight.”

– Somb Ziantista, director of photronics

The company cites some impressive specifications for the new cold laser cutter. It will easily slice through steel up to 1/4-inch steel—including stainless. Cutting speed is approximately 0.25 IPS (inches per second). Clearly, the tool excels on curved and more complex cuts. The one remaining question is run-time. We’re hoping the system allows for enough work on the included 12Ah battery.

The new Milwaukee M18 Cold Laser Cutter kit will retail for $1699 and comes with a 12Ah High Output battery and the new Supercharger rapid battery charger.

For more information, please be sure to visit this page.

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