Mandatory Solar Panels: Coming to a Town Near You?

San Fransisco might be the first to create an ordinance for mandatory solar panels, but they certainly aren’t the last. The California city’s decision kicked off a firestorm of debate within the construction industry and for potential homeowners about environmental responsibility and homeowner rights.

One side claims we need regulation to ensure environmental responsibility. The other side sees it as yet another regulation that shrinks their right to choose for themselves if solar panels are the way to go. As usual, Clint and I have some pretty strong opinions on this issue. Can the voice of reason carry the day?

I guess that depends on who you believe has a fully-formed rationale with defensible opinions. I’ll leave that up to you. But regardless of whether you’re for or against mandatory solar panels, let us know what you think!

If you’d rather read about it than watch it, click here for the article.

Mandatory Solar Panels: What’s in the Latest Regulation?

The town of South Miami was the latest to adopt a solar panel ordinance. That’s not the city of Miami itself, but a town just outside it. For new homes, it’s not a question – you’re going to have to put up solar panels. You need 175 square feet of paneling for every 100 square feet of roof under sunlight. A secondary formula allows you to go with 2.75 kW of panels for every 100 square feet of living space.

If you’re remodeling, you’re not out of the equation. If you replace more than 75% of the existing structure or expand it by more than 75%, you’ll need to install solar panels.

Who Has to Get Solar in South Miami

  • All new homes
  • Remodels that replace 75% or more of the existing structure
  • Remodels that extend the existing structure by 75% or more
  • 175 square feet of panels for every 1000 square feet of sunlit roof, or
  • 2.75 kW for every 1000 square feet of living space

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