Home Depot Worker Loses Nose to Dog

Home Depot Worker Loses Nose to Dog

Want to be a Home Depot greeter? Here’s some advice: don’t pet strange dogs. A 39-year-old mother of three was nearing the end of her shift Friday afternoon at the home improvement store when a customer pushing a cart with a little Shih Tzu in it approached. She handed the customer a sales flier and bent down to pet the dog. At this point we have to say that you already know what;s coming. I mean, you read the headline of the story… do you really need to keep reading. Oh yes you do. You do because you secretly want the dog to bite her. And that’s just sick… and totally human nature. Anyway, YES, the animal did jump up and bite her nose. and it wasn’t a nip. No, this dog sank in its teeth and held on like it was stranded on a desert island and someone had air-dropped a single solitary ham hock from the sky. The dog fairly swallowed up her nose with its whole mouth. The employee, apparently in shock had her eyes open and then closed them. After what seemed like an eternity, the dog opened up and let go… but not after taking off a small chunk.

Co-workers at the Depot called an ambulance and went to work immediately to stop the rather profuse bleeding. The best part (oh yes, it gets better) is that the owner attempted to flee the scene once paramedics arrived (they stopped her). I guess you could argue that the bit of nose was stolen merchandise, but I’m not sure how the valuation would go in that case. Regardless the employee was a bit peeved after the shock wore off. It actually took plastic surgery to straighten and stitch up the nose, and she’ll need some more surgery to smooth over the part of her nose that is presumably now in a patch of grass somewhere near the owner’s home. For those of you weak in the stomach, I apologize for that last bit – it really was uncalled for…

The Home Depot employee wants the dog put to sleep due to its obviously aggressive nature and the fact that the owner thinks it’s just fine to take it out in public and not have a huge sign around its neck stating “Watch out, I’ll bite your face off if you look at me funny.” She’s also considering legal action because, well, apparently some lawyer talked her into it, or she already had the predisposition to think that when something bad happens to you, well by golly there should be financial compensation!

I’ve seen people bring their dogs into Home Depot all the time. In fact, the store seems to be one of few places that actually allows this without much interference. Do you think people should be able to bring their dogs into a store? What should happen to the dog? The owner? We’re curious as to what you think about this whole situation, so please comment in our forums.

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