IMI Magnetic V-Pad Clamps for Flexible Welding Positions

IMI Magnetic V-Pad Clamps

Industrial Magnetics Offers Welders Low-Profile Clamps

IMI (Industrial Magnetics, Inc.) Magnetic V-Pad clamps make a nice addition for tools fabricators may find helpful. Now, welders have a fast, low-profile, and versatile solution for holding workpieces in position.

10-Second Summary

  • IMI Magnetic V-Pad Clamps
  • Dual, pivoting, magnetic heads can position and hold angles up to 180°
  • Each V-pad contains four powerful magnets—two on the back and one on each pivoting foot
  • Quick set-up on flat, angled, or round stock
  • Available in two different sizes and holding strengths
  • Come in packs of two
  • Price: $14.24-$19.98

Holding Patterns

The IMI Magnetic V-Pad Clamps offer dual pivoting magnetic heads on each piece. Each clamp can hold angles up to 180° with its four magnets – two on the back and one on each pivoting foot. This gives welders plenty of options for holding material in various positions.

These clamps look extremely helpful for repetitive applications since they set up quickly and position easily. The clamps work with flat, angled, and even round stock. Where fixed welding magnets provide common holding angles—these allow for custom positioning in a way other magnets do not.

The IMI Magnetic V-Pad Clamps come in sets of two, and in two different sizes with different holding strengths. The smaller sets, which can be purchased directly from the IMI website, retail for $14.24. You can get ahold of the larger set for $19.98.

What is IMI Saying About These Clamps?

These handy, magnetic v-pad clamps are one of the best tools a welder could have in their arsenal when performing small, light-duty, or intricate work. They’re especially useful for cradling pipe or tubes, as this magnet style lets you rotate the tubing so you can seam weld the pipe or tube ends.

Pete Friedrich, Strategic Account Manager, IMI

IMI Magnetic V-Pad Clamps Specs

  • Model Numbers: IMI WVP1PK2 / IMI WVP2PK2
  • A Holding Value: 15 lbs. / 29 lbs.
  • B Holding Value: 8.5 lbs. / 6.3 lbs
  • C Holding Value: 6.3 lbs. / 15 lbs.
  • WVP1PK2 Dimensions (LxHxW): 2-1/4 x 1 x 1 in.
  • WVP2PK2 Dimensions (LxHxW): 2-1/2 x 1-1/2 x 1-1/8 in.
  • Weight: 0.30 lbs. (WVP1PK2) / 0.60 lbs (WVP2PK2)
  • Price (WVP1PK2/WVP2PK2): $14.24 / $19.98

For more information about the IMI Magnetic V-Pad Clamps, including purchasing information, click here.

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