Tool Reviews & Buying Guides by Trade

If you want to read articles and reviews that are trade-specific, try our Tool Reviews by Trade section. This organizes our site into topics suited particularly for a specific trade such as plumbing, electrical, framing, roofing & siding, concrete/masonry, and carpentry. Roofing and siding pros will find pneumatic roofing nailers as well as tools like cap staplers and hammer tackers. Tile & Flooring Pros will gain easy access to our tile saws, flooring staplers, and floor scrapers. As a painting professional, reviews of airless sprayers and cordless sprayers may interest you the most. You can count on one thing: whatever your craft, you need good tools. Our tool reviews by trade will help you drill down to quickly find the information you need. If you want to avoid anything that sits outside of your trade, this way helps you do it. If you can’t find a tool here, let us know.

Newer Tech Power2U USB outlet Review

USB Outlet Review – Newer Tech Power2U

It seems like every portable consumer device needs a USB power supply these days. So how does the rampant availability and use of iPads, smart phones, and Kindles affect how we build homes? Since it’s very likely that your own office, your kitchen – possibly even your bedroom – is littered with a myriad of power adapters, accommodating this new trend is something that would be convenient to you, and certainly beneficial to your clients. Newer Technology’s Power2U is an innovative device that combines two USB charging ports with a standard electrical outlet or receptacle. That means you eliminate those bulky power adapters and can, instead, plug in a USB cable directly to the outlet’s accessory ports. And the 2A (2000mA) rating means that it delivers enough power to charge even high-current devices like the new iPad.

Festool TS 55 R Flush Cut Circular Saw Preview

Festool TS 55 R Flush Cut Circular Saw Preview

Festool has had its popular TS 55 EQ Circular out for quite some time, but a recent scoop of the new tool on a German website told us they are releasing the next update soon. The company revealed a new version of the tool that is tweaked (and perfectly suited for) flush-cutting applications. The new model is the TS 55 R. Festool’s new circular saw has improved handling, and since the blade is now approximately 1/2″ from the edge of the now smooth and flat blade guard, it’s suitable for more applications than ever.

Kobalt 18V Li-ion Cordless Impact Wrench

Kobalt 18V Li-ion Cordless Impact Wrench Review

For anyone who does any sort of automotive work, the impact wrench is a must-have tool. Even if you only occasionally remove a tire, there is a stark difference between using a breaker bar or tire iron and a pneumatic impact wrench. But with an impact wrench, you also have the obligatory air compressor, hose, and necessary room to make sure it all works. Not so, with Kobalt Tools’ new 18V 1/2″ Cordless Impact Wrench. Of course, the real issue is, now that they’ve severed the cord and gone to the 18V Lithium-ion battery, is the tool sufficiently powerful to truly take off lug nuts? Can it replace, for real, not just for “most purposes” the air powered impact wrench? That’s what we set out to prove or disprove. And like most experiments, we had a lot of fun, and learned more than we expected.

Milwaukee Diagonal Pliers 48-22-4106 Review

Milwaukee Diagonal Pliers 48-22-4106 Review

As an electrician, diagonal pliers are definitely a tool I use a lot in the field. This is especially true with commercial work where you have to cut a lot of cable and wire. Milwaukee’s Diagonal Pliers (48-22-4106) made a clean cut every single time I went to use them. This week we’re working on a remodel job on a commercial building built in the 1930’s. While some walls have been torn down and rebuilt, there are still some that are the original concrete block. On these I have had to put conduit and electrical boxes. Normally, this would be easy, but the wall was literally riddled with nails and screws. I found that these pliers were able to cut through the nails and screws with little to no difficulty. It sort of became my go-to tool for getting through the nitty gritty of clearing my area.

Milwaukee 6 IN 1 Long Nose Pliers 48-22-3068 Review

Milwaukee 6 IN 1 Long Nose Pliers 48-22-3068 Review

Having just taken a look at Milwaukee’s 6 IN 1 Combination Pliers, we weren’t too thrown off guard by the 6 IN 1 Long Nose Pliers, which are a different tool, but similar in many ways. If anything, the 6 IN 1 Long Nose Pliers feel like they are meant for things that are a bit more heavy duty. These pliers are 1/4″ thicker than the combination pliers, which is good since they can be used to pull nails. We found that the design – particularly, the head of the tool which is squared off – does a pretty decent job at pulling nails out of wood. This really is a good tool if you are an electrician and need something heavy duty in the field. I really enjoy having it in my tool pouch at work and have recommended to other electricians to go buy one as well.

Makita EK7301 14" Gas Power Cutter Concrete Saw Preview

Makita EK7301 14-inch Gas Power Cutter Concrete Saw

I don’t know about you, but whenever I get to slice through concrete I get a Tim Allen-style rush that makes me giddy with adrenaline. Of course, I don’t do it 8 hours per day, day in and day out. For those who do, they might appreciate the new Makita EK7301 14″ Power Cutter. The new EK7301 gas power cutter was developed to blend the best aspects of both convenience and performance. It improves upon previous Makita offers by including faster starting, more power, and better fuel economy.

Makita RT0700CX3 1-1/4 HP Compact Router Kit Preview

Makita RT0700CX3 1-1/4 HP Compact Router Kit Preview

Makita is on a roll this week, releasing several new tools to the market. This time it’s the new RT0700C 1-1/4 HP Compact Router. The new Compact Router is also available in a kit (RT0700CX3), which is the only way to buy a router like this as it comes with a plunge, tilt and an offset base for a wide range of routing applications. Compact routers serve a great need in the woodworking and carpentry business – proving a very portable and controllable way to do simple bevels, laminate jobs, etc that would be a bit more of a pain with a full-sized tool. Now, we don’t recommend compact routers for anything heavy-duty – the added weight and bulk of a serious router is always going to outperform when you’re doing some serious projects.