Empire QR Code on Squares, New Torpedo Levels
Even if you’ve a roofing pro, at one point or another you’ll have to consult the manual. Problem is, nobody […]
If you want to read articles and reviews that are trade-specific, try our Tool Reviews by Trade section. This organizes our site into topics suited particularly for a specific trade such as plumbing, electrical, framing, roofing & siding, concrete/masonry, and carpentry. Roofing and siding pros will find pneumatic roofing nailers as well as tools like cap staplers and hammer tackers. Tile & Flooring Pros will gain easy access to our tile saws, flooring staplers, and floor scrapers. As a painting professional, reviews of airless sprayers and cordless sprayers may interest you the most. You can count on one thing: whatever your craft, you need good tools. Our tool reviews by trade will help you drill down to quickly find the information you need. If you want to avoid anything that sits outside of your trade, this way helps you do it. If you can’t find a tool here, let us know.
Even if you’ve a roofing pro, at one point or another you’ll have to consult the manual. Problem is, nobody […]
My father began his electrical career in 1951. I came along six years later and haven’t looked back. Needless to […]
In the construction industry, Spyder Tools is a fairly young company. In 2007 they broke into the market with a […]
In the world of pneumatic nailers there’s not much that excites me anymore, unless we’re talking about brad nailers and […]
The Veto Tech Pac-1 has 47 pockets situated both inside and outside the pack, giving you tons of room for […]
We’re (not) Shocked! As an electrician you quickly learn to appreciate tools that are non-conductive. The line up of fish tapes now includes a […]
Last week Ridgid released a new series of PEX crimpers. The Ridgid Close Quarters ASTM F1807 PEX Crimp Tools (model #43853 […]
I know an apprenticing electrician who always seems to want the latest tools. A short time ago he brought me […]
If World of Concrete has been anything, it’s been exciting. There have been a lot of new products debuted that […]
It’s the “Max” that I think gives it away. When DeWalt came out with its 20V Max line we scratched […]