Corded Tool Reviews

Our corded tool reviews include corded saws, routers, sanders and grinders, and more. We try to ascertain the best compound miter saws and best table saws to name a few. When it comes to corded tools, often power is key. Our power tool reviews try to determine whether a new product has advanced features or specs. Once we understand what’s new we can then test the tool to get a feel for it and see if it’s truly an upgrade. When we look at tools like rotary hammers or even oscillating multi-tools, we try to determine which tools have the least vibration while performing the most work. A power tool may be able to provide more power, but at the expense of ergonomics. Other tools add great features, but sacrifice in other areas. We evaluate the whole tool, so that we get the entire picture.

Max-Lok Carbide SDS-Max Bit Extension System

Milwaukee Max-Lok Carbide SDS-Max Bit Extension System

So Milwaukee is into innovation – everyone who is even remotely familiar with the company and its product lines can attest to that. But what’s always surprising (to me, at least) is the diversity of areas that innovation touches. Take their new Max-Lok Carbide Extension System, for example. This falls smack dab in the lap of serious concrete professionals who use SDS-Max bits day in and day out. The Max-Lok system is designed to extend SDS-Max rotary hammer bits up to 82.5″. That means you can take your existing SDS-Max bits and bore deeper and into more places than ever before. And you’re not buying expensive and dedicated extended length bits to do it.

RotoZip RotoSaw SS355-10 Preview

RotoZip RotoSaw SS355-10 Preview

RotoZip introduced its most compact, lightweight Spiral Saw yet, the RotoSaw. This new versatile Spiral Saw system is specifically designed to tackle plunge and freehand cuts in more than just drywall. In fact, it’s designed for portable use in nearly any building material, including tile, wood, plastic, laminate, underlayment and, yes, drywall. The RotoSaw is compatible with more than 20 different cutting bits and is available with a dust collection system which greatly reduces airborne debris. Special venting on the tool maximizes visibility and accuracy while keeping the work space clean. This is especially important when working in finished spaces, making the RotoSaw a versatile solution for today’s remodeling professionals, skilled DIYers and drywall installers.

Festool TS 55 R Flush Cut Circular Saw Preview

Festool TS 55 R Flush Cut Circular Saw Preview

Festool has had its popular TS 55 EQ Circular out for quite some time, but a recent scoop of the new tool on a German website told us they are releasing the next update soon. The company revealed a new version of the tool that is tweaked (and perfectly suited for) flush-cutting applications. The new model is the TS 55 R. Festool’s new circular saw has improved handling, and since the blade is now approximately 1/2″ from the edge of the now smooth and flat blade guard, it’s suitable for more applications than ever.

Makita EK7301 14" Gas Power Cutter Concrete Saw Preview

Makita EK7301 14-inch Gas Power Cutter Concrete Saw

I don’t know about you, but whenever I get to slice through concrete I get a Tim Allen-style rush that makes me giddy with adrenaline. Of course, I don’t do it 8 hours per day, day in and day out. For those who do, they might appreciate the new Makita EK7301 14″ Power Cutter. The new EK7301 gas power cutter was developed to blend the best aspects of both convenience and performance. It improves upon previous Makita offers by including faster starting, more power, and better fuel economy.

Makita RT0700CX3 1-1/4 HP Compact Router Kit Preview

Makita RT0700CX3 1-1/4 HP Compact Router Kit Preview

Makita is on a roll this week, releasing several new tools to the market. This time it’s the new RT0700C 1-1/4 HP Compact Router. The new Compact Router is also available in a kit (RT0700CX3), which is the only way to buy a router like this as it comes with a plunge, tilt and an offset base for a wide range of routing applications. Compact routers serve a great need in the woodworking and carpentry business – proving a very portable and controllable way to do simple bevels, laminate jobs, etc that would be a bit more of a pain with a full-sized tool. Now, we don’t recommend compact routers for anything heavy-duty – the added weight and bulk of a serious router is always going to outperform when you’re doing some serious projects.

Milwaukee 5317-21 1-9/16" SDS Max Rotary Hammer Preview

Milwaukee 5317-21 1-9/16 SDS Max Rotary Hammer Preview

Continuing their expansion of their rotary hammer line, Milwaukee has introduced a new 1-9/16″ SDS Max Rotary Hammer. This new rotary hammer delivers the durability users have come to expect from Milwaukee, with a 10.5-amp motor and 5.5 ft-lbs of impact energy. We’ve picked up and used several of Milwaukee’s rotary hammers and they are a force to be reckoned with. The new hammer is an improvement in that it offers new features to increase efficiency and lower the amount of work (effort) you have to expend in order to achieve the results you need.

Milwaukee 5316-21 1-9/16" Spline Rotary Hammer Preview

Milwaukee 5316-21 1-9/16 Spline Rotary Hammer Preview

Continuing their expansion of their rotary hammer line, Milwaukee has introduced a new 1-9/16″ Spline Rotary Hammer. This new rotary hammer delivers the durability users have come to expect from Milwaukee, with a 10.5-amp motor and 5.5 ft-lbs of impact energy. We’ve picked up and used several of Milwaukee’s rotary hammers and they are a force to be reckoned with. The new hammer is an improvement in that it offers new features to increase efficiency and lower the amount of work (effort) you have to expend in order to achieve the results you need.