Stihl FS 56 RC-E Trimmer Review
STIHL (which is actually pronounced “steel”—or “shteel” if you’re European) has introduced the new FS 56 RC-E, the top-of-the-line model […]
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STIHL (which is actually pronounced “steel”—or “shteel” if you’re European) has introduced the new FS 56 RC-E, the top-of-the-line model […]
TWI International is a Taiwan-based company that produces lots of forged products, some of which end up at places like Lowe’s. TWI’s Flaring Tool Set is a solid, durable product that will easily flare copper piping. The tool’s folding bar is made with heat treated alloy steel and it has a drop forged carbon steel yoke and wing nuts. The tool can be used to flare 3/16″, 1/4″, 5/16″, 3/8″, 7/16″, and 5/8″ OD copper tubing. We used it for a gas line and it was the perfect solution. At just over $10 at our local home improvement warehouse it was something we decided to try out and it really paid off in it’s performance.
Arrow’s HT50PBL Heavy Duty Hammer Tacker is a unique product that swings and hits like a hammer, driving a staple with each blow. Typically you use a product like this for anything ranging from installation of roofing insulation to tacking down roofing felt, carpet underlayment, or other materials. The HT50PBL hammer tacker features an all-steel construction with a rubberized coating that helps absorb impacts and delivers a nice grip.
The PowerShot “Heavy Duty” Staple & Nail Gun features a forward action design, meaning that you actually press down on the front of the tool to actuate it, rather than the back end. This is not only more ergonomic, it also applies the most pressure to the point where the staple is firing, delivering more power and control with less effort. This makes the tool easy to use, but also gives it an unusual mechanism which is more prone to jams.
The Lenox 21011 TC138 Tubing Cutters will handily cut pipe diameters from 1/8″ to 1-3/8″. We found that the four […]
The PermaFLOW Never Clog Drain is a unique device that prevents clogs by allowing the homeowner to twist a dial to move the clog through the pipes. It’s designed to help easily remove the drain buildup before it becomes a problem and removes the need for plungers, drain cleaners, and of course disassembly of the drain. The shape of the PermaFLOW Self Cleaning Drain is designed to increases turbulence which helps reduce the continuous and typical buildup of dirt and debris, preventing blocked drains.
ECHO is a well-known brand that breaks down the barrier between professional and consumer. Their new SRM-225i straight shaft trimmer […]
Increasing Injuries Prompt Black & Decker to Reannounce Recall of Trimmers/Edgers Due to Laceration and Burn Hazards The U.S. Consumer […]
What do you get when you take 50 percent jig saw and 50 percent reciprocating saw along with all the functionality of a hand saw? What you get is the new Ridgid R3030 One-Handed Reciprocating Saw! Many times a reciprocating saw is too big, does not fit or lacks the finesse needed to do a tricky cutting job. This new saw will reach into those tight places and give you complete functionality and precision control.
More muscle and extra features are what help define the new DeWalt flagship DCD970 18-Volt 1/2-Inch XRP Lithium-Ion Hammer drill. […]