Tool Reviews

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Ridgid R3400 Fuego 5" Fiber Cement Saw Review

Ridgid R3400 Fiber Cement Saw Review

Since the invention of cement fiber siding, there has yet to be a perfect cutting solution. We have seen everything from powered shears to different saw blades and all seem to come close but none completely satisfy. Ridgid’s R3400 Fuego 5” Fiber Cement Saw is yet another contender to solve the dilemma of cutting these hard materials.

Swanson T001WZ Framing Wizard Review

Swanson Framing Wizard T001WZ Review

Swanson took the age old framing square and made it into a folding, 5-in-1 layout tool they are calling the T001WZ Framing Wizard. This new tool makes space and functionality top priorities! Forget about trying to figure out where to keep your old square; now that you have this one available, you can fold it in half and throw it in your tool bag. With its versatile use, you can just whip it out and use it as a framing square, tri-square, miter square, angle finder or as a saw guide.

Swanson T04424 Wood Magnet Review

Swanson Wood Magnet T04424 Review

The new Swanson T04424 Wood Magnet is one of those types of tools that once you use it a few times, you realize how many times it would have come in handy on all your past projects! With low cost and highly versatile applications, this compact tool is able to combine a number of project leveling and layout tools into one. The simple design combined with a pretty rugged build should make this an easy choice for both DIY types and pros alike!

Ryobi Tek4 RP4200 8MP Digital Camera Review

Ryobi RP4200 Digital Camera Review

The RP4200 Tek4 4V 8MP Digital Camera is a semi-compact camera that comes with a convenient carry pouch that can be placed on a standard belt. It is quite rugged-looking and the buttons are oversized and easily activated with gloved hands. We tested this out thoroughly, feeling that a jobsite camera should include this feature lest it demands special treatment. The included 1GB SD card fits easily into the left side of the camera and the entire chamber is sealed with a rubber gasket affixed to the hinged door. The camera does include 64MB of internal memory – plenty of room for at least a dozen high-resolution photos.

Ryobi RP4300 Motion Alarm Review

Ryobi RP4300 Motion Alarm Review Tek4

The Tek4 Motion Sensing Alarm is an easy-to-use sensor that delivers both chime and full-out alarm modes. It’s 110 degrees of sensing provide a wide range of coverage that can encompass a nice 800 sq. ft. area. We found it to be exceptional sensitive for larger moving objects and the 68 degree vertical range means that it works well when wall-mounted. The included remote means that, while you can program the device with a code (up to 10 digits), it’s not necessary to access the device to turn it on and off – should you decide to mount it out of the way. The remote can be attached to a keychain or clipped to a belt as desired.

Ryobi RP4000 Tek4 Self Leveling Plumb/Cross Laser Review

Ryobi Self Leveling Plumb Cross Laser Review RP4000

The RP4000 Self Leveling Plumb/Cross Laser represents one of the best values we’ve seen in a while. For pros and do-it-yourselfers alike, this is one tool that is priced as low, or lower than many of the non-rechargeable competition. The tool actually sits inside of a plastic jacket that contains a threaded tripod mount. Once the tool is lifted a bit and “unlocked”, the level is able to self-level and you can get effective results in any of the three modes. The modes are a combination crosshair/plumb bob mode which fires a horizontal and vertical beam as well as top and bottom lasers for use as a plumb bob. The second mode fires only the horizontal beam and the top dot. The third mode shoots a vertical beam with the bottom dot. For setting up cabinets and interior work this is going to be a no-brainer and a real go-to tool.

Ryobi RP4400 Tek4 High Intensity LED Flashlight Review

Ryobi RP4400 Tek4 LED Flashlight Review

its Tek4 4400 High Intensity LED Flashlight. While not as bright as a competing 12V version we handled from a competitor, it’s also just half the price – and half the weight! The Tek4 4400 weighs in at just under 7 ounces and will run for 6 hours straight. That’s one heck of a worklight! The light turns on by twisting the neck of the flash light. It’s pretty much all or nothing. We liked the light output we got from this work light. It was bright and a more-or-less “white” light, whereas incandescents are typically a very “yellow” white.

Ryobi Tek4 4V Cordless Tools Reviewed

Ryobi Tek4 4V Cordless Tools Reviewed

Ryobi’s new Tek4 line of 4V lithium-ion products spans a range from measurement to safety to portable power backup. All tools share the same 4V rechargeable power source and sport an industrial look with Ryobi’s new signature green color adorning each of the dark-gray colored tools as trim. Since all of the new Tek4 tools use the same li-ion 4V battery (AP4001), delivering over 200 charges and longer-life than what you can get with standard Alkalines.

Ryobi Tek4 RP4030 Professional Infrared Thermometer Review

Ryobi RP4030 Infrared Thermometer Review

The Tek4 4V Professional Infrared Thermometer delivers a constant readout of temperatures ranging from below 0 to over twice the boiling point of water. We found that this tool is most accurate when you are less than 2 meter from your target, but the tool can also measure from quite a distance away. The key to using it correctly is to understand that it has a 10:1 spot-to-distance ratio, so the closer you are, the smaller your measurement sample and the less it will be affected by the surrounding air temperature. This is an incredibly handy tool, especially for air mechanical inspectors and installers.

Ryobi RP4020 Tek4 Professional Digital Multimeter Review

Ryobi RP4020 Digital Multimeter Review

This is by far the most sophisticated of the tools available currently in the Tek4 lineup. The Professional Digital Multimeter (RP4020) can measure AC/DC current and voltage, resistance, capacitance, and can check the forward voltage drop of a diode. It can test for continuity and has an internal speaker to give tones when buttons are pressed (and to indicate continuity). The voltmeter adheres to the Tek4 gray/green styling and includes an aluminum-style faceplate that is inset into the front of the unit, surrounding the mode selection dial, LCD screen and buttons. On the back side, the Tek4 Digital Multimeter sports a kickstand and a flip out “Convenience Hook” that lets you hand the meter off of conduit or any other material with a slight lip. We also enjoyed the built in probe holders, which secured the probes perfectly when they were wrapped vertically around the entire meter and left connected.