Tool Reviews

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Jackson J-250 Titanium Xtra Round Point Shovel Review

Jackson Titanium Shovel J-250 Review

The J-250 Titanium Xtra series of shovels from Jackson Professional Tools is a cut above and certain to satisfy those looking for a stiff, dependable tool for all your digging needs. There are shovels, and there are shovels. If you’re tired of babying your shovels for fear the neck will break, then the 11-inch titanium-steel socket will ensure that your 48″ handle doesn’t snap off when you pry up some difficult ground material.

Swanson TS149 9” Sliding T-Bevel Review

Swanson Sliding Bevel TS149 Review

The Swanson TS149 9″ Sliding T-Bevel is a classic yet modern tool that the craftsman can use everyday for all types of woodworking projects, either as an angle finder or as a square. The T-Bevel is especially handy when trying to duplicate an odd angle of an existing condition.

Skil 5995 18V 5-3/8" Cordless Skilsaw Review

5-3/8″ Skil 18V Circular Saw Review 5995

The new SKIL 5-3/8″ 18V Cordless Skilsaw 5995 is a homeowner’s dream tool – offering professional quality at a price almost anyone can afford. With an excellent power-to-weight ratio, top quality design, and the latest 18V lithium ion battery technology, this saw is ideal for anyone who already has some compatible 18V SKIL tools and wants to add a portable saw into the mix. This is a great tool for those just starting out with their first home or the seasoned do-it-yourself type.

Skil 9350-01 18V Orbital Reciprocating Saw Review

Skil 18V Reciprocating Saw Review 9350-01

The new SKIL 9350-01 18V Cordless Reciprocating Saw is a homeowner’s dream tool – offering professional quality at a price almost anyone can afford. With an excellent power-to-weight ratio, top quality design, and the latest 18V lithium ion battery technology, this saw is an ideal for those just starting out with their first home or the seasoned do-it-yourself type.

Skil 2895LI-02 18V Cordless Drill/Driver Review

Skil 2895LI-02 18V Drill Driver Review

One of the first things we noticed about the Skil 2895LI-02 18V Cordless Drill/Driver was how lightweight it felt in our hands. Now some might take this as a negative point, but we liked what we saw because the tool had good balance, was easy to hang onto and appeared to be well made. While many heavy duty homeowners will like this tool, we think that many budget conscious contractors can also benefit from its no-nonsense approach to driving and drilling.

Hitachi WH10DFL 12V Lithium Ion Micro Impact Driver Review

Hitachi WH10DFL 12V Lithium Ion Micro Impact Driver Review

Take something that is good and make it better. That’s what Hitachi did with their new WH10DFL 12V Peak Lithium Ion Micro Impact Driver. This impact driver is also part of the KC10DFL 12V Driver Drill and Impact Driver Micro Combo Kit. Features like a smaller size, lighter weight, better batteries and more power are just a few of the improvements that make this new tool stand out. In a market with many new tools in the sub-compact category, it can be a tricky endeavor to add value and good features.

Hitachi DS10DFL 12V Peak Lithium Ion Micro Driver Drill Review

Hitachi DS10DFL 12V Micro Driver Drill Review

Take something that is already good and continue to make it better. That’s what Hitachi did with their new Hitachi DS10DFL 12V Micro Drill Driver. This drill is also part of Hitachi’s KC10DFL 12V Driver Drill and Impact Driver Micro Combo Kit. Features like a smaller size, lighter weight, better batteries and more power are just a few of the improvements that make this new tool stand out. In a market with many new tools in the sub-compact category, it can be a tricky endeavor to add value as well as good features.

Milwaukee M12 Cordless 4-tool Combo 2491-24 Review

Milwaukee M12 Cordless 4-tool Combo Kit 2491-24 Review

Compact tools are all the rage and, to make sure they have their market share, Milwaukee Tools has beefed up their M12 line with some pretty cool goodies like the 2491-24 four tool combo kit. Two of the included cordless tools that drew us in were the 850 in-lb impact driver and a small sized reciprocating saw.

Kershaw Zing 1735 Folding Knife Review

Kershaw Zing 1735 Knife Review

If you are a pocket knife kind of guy who is always on the lookout for innovative knives, then you need to check out Kershaw’s new folder knife. It’s called the Zing 1735 and it has a unique 3D machined blade. This folding pocket knife is made with special stainless steel and was designed by the famous knife designer RJ Martin.