Tool Reviews

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Milwaukee M12 cordless drill driver

Milwaukee M12 Cordless Drill Driver Kit Review

The Milwaukee 2410-22 M12 Cordless 3/8″ Drill/Driver Kit features a compact 12V Li-Ion battery powered drill/driver that packs in full size tool features like an all metal locking chuck, 250 in-lbs of torque and a two-speed transmission. The M12 line of tools from Milwaukee is designed for the professional contractor that needs more from their tools in a compact form, so that they can fit into small spaces and not have the fatigue that is associated with larger, heavier tools.

Milwaukee 2455-22 M12 No-Hub Coupling Driver

Milwaukee M12 Cordless No-Hub Driver 2455-22

The new Milwaukee 2455-22 M12 Cordless No-Hub Coupling Driver Kit is specifically designed to quickly install no-hub couplings with accuracy and repeatability. With specific torque settings for 60 and 80 in/lbs, this is the first tool of this kind in the industry. The No-Hub Driver has the ability to fasten up to 300 clamps on a single charge and it is supposed to be accurate for up to 25,000 clamps before it needs to be recalibrated.

screwpop keychain tool

Screwpop 4-in-1 Keychain Tool Review

Screwpop 4-in-1 Keychain Tool is a handy little tool that helps you crank out the work during the day and, after hours, pop a cap on cold one. With a removable #2 Philips Head and flat head bits, a 1/4″ hex drive and a bottle opener, this would have definitely been something MacGyver could have pulled from his pocket.

SKIL Flooring Saw 3600 Preview

SKIL Flooring Saw 3600 Preview

Installing wood floors can be exhausting, back-breaking work and the tools needed to support the installation can be a pain to use. Typical wood flooring projects require a miter saw to cut planks to length and a table saw to cut them to width. When starting an installation project, users have to either haul both saws from the workshop or garage to their installation site, or they must run back and forth to make all of the cuts needed until the project is complete. Skil’s groundbreaking Flooring Saw saves time, energy and money by allowing users to make these cuts with just one tool.

Craftsman 1/4", 3/8" & 1/2" Drive Thin Profile Ratchets Review

Craftsman Low Profile Ratchets Review

Craftsman 1/4″, 3/8″ & 1/2″ Drive Thin Profile Ratchets give you the ability to reach in tight spaces. These ratchets have super comfortable handles and are covered entirely in high polished chrome. With a 60 tooth ratchet gear inside, you only have to move the ratchet 6 degrees to get it to index to the next “click.” This is significant because the regular Craftsman ratchets only have 36 tooth ratchet gears which means you have to move it 10 degrees.

Husky 26 inch 6 Drawer Tool Chest

Husky 26 inch 6 Drawer Tool Chest 26PCHTHD Review

All tool guys know that if you are going to have a man-sized collection of hand tools, then it is imperative to have a good storage system. What makes a mechanic project a breeze is when you can open a drawer, and right there at your fingertips is the exact socket or wrench you need. If you are looking for a bench-top tool box with ball bearing drawers, lots of storage and all steel construction, then chances are that the Husky 26PCHTHD 26 inch 6 Drawer Tool Chest will serve you well. This tool box has all the looks, features and quality of a high end tool box, but at a very modest price.

BernzOmatic Quickfire torch sweating copper

BernzOmatic Quickfire Torch Review BZ9400QFK

With a profile and design that looks more like a battery powered drill, the new BernzOmatic BZ9400QFK Quickfire Hand Torch is trigger operated, super compact and packs in a 3600 deg F. flame. With the gradual phase out of MAPP gas fuel for hand torches; this torch is designed to use the new Max Power Propylene fuel which operates at about the same temperatures.

Zircon MetalliScanner MT6 Review

Zircon MT6 MetalliScanner Review

Ever wonder if they put all the hurricane strapping in your house or if your concrete slab is reinforced with steel? Well you don’t have to wonder any more if you use a Zircon MT6 MetalliScanner. This tool will locate and indicate the approximate depth of both magnetic and non-magnetic metals up to 6″ deep in most all nonmetallic construction materials. With this tool, you can figure out where the metal is before your expensive drill bit or saw blade does.

Dremel 4000 drywall rotary cutting tools

Dremel 4000 Drywall Rotary Cutting Tool Kit Review

Rotary tools is what Dremel makes and now they are inching the bar higher with the release of their new High Performance 4000-2/30 Rotary Tool which comes with a bigger motor and over 30 accessories. The whole kit comes in a form fitting hard plastic storage case that keeps everything safe and organized when not in use. Outstanding performance and excellent quality are just some of the things we have come to expect from Dremel and this new Dremel High Performance Rotary Tool kit is no different.

Jackson Fiberglass Titanium Xtra Powerstep Shovel Review

Jackson Fiberglass Titanium Xtra Powerstep Shovel Review

The Titanium Xtra Powerstep shovel from Jackson Professional Tools offers a comfortable, easy-to-use tool with a fiberglass handle to make digging out tough terrain an almost enjoyable experience. The titanium-steel socket is stiff, and offers a level of confidence we don’t normally experience with your typical wood-handled shovel. In addition, the Powerstep plates give you ample room to position yourself to drive the blade deeper and faster into the ground.