Tool Reviews

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Porter Cable PC15TCSMK 15A circular saw rip guide

Porter Cable PC15TCSMK 15A Circular Saw Review

The new Porter Cable PC15TCSMK 7-1/4″ 15 amp heavy-duty circular saw packs in plenty of quality features and performance at a pretty fair price that both DIY and pro users will appreciate. Things like a long 10 ft cord, hard molded carry case, and a powerful 15 amp motor are just some of the goodies that are included.

DeWALT DC515K 18V Cordless 1/2 Gallon Wet/Dry Portable Vac Review

DeWalt DC515K 18V Wet Dry Portable Vac Review

Take the idea of a Dirt Devil and let the engineers at DeWalt toy with the concept for a while. What you get is the DeWALT DC515K 18V Cordless 1/2 Gallon Wet/Dry Portable Vac. With cord-free vacuuming ability, you can now easily clean up almost anywhere. To make getting into tight spaces even easier, just pull out the attached 2.5 foot long hose.

Milwaukee M12 Right Angle Drilling

Milwaukee M12 Right Angle Drill Kit Review 2415-21

The 2415-21 Milwaukee M12 3/8″ Right Angle Drill Kit makes it easy to drill holes and install fasteners in tight spaces thanks to its compact head size, a 3/8″ ratcheting chuck and a locking spindle. Milwaukee is all about making certain tasks easier and this drill is ideally suited for cabinet installers, furniture builders and anyone else that has to work in confined spaces.

Stanley 55-099L FuBar Utility Bar Review

Stanley Fatmax FuBar Utility Bar Review

Every now and then you find a special tool. The kind of tool you wonder how you ever did without. The kind of tool that really, truly, makes you want to go break something. The Stanley FuBar is that tool. We all know what FuBar stands for: Functional Utility Bar. Right. The, um, “original” meaning is a bit closer to the truth as this tool will wreak havoc on any demo project, allowing you to disassemble walls faster, pull off drywall with more efficiency, and punch through lathe and plaster like it was paper mache.

Kobalt 46-piece SAE Tap, Die and Drill Set Review

Kobalt SAE Tap and Die Set Review

Everyone has experienced a stripped bolt or nut. It can leave you feeling helpless – unless you have a good tap and die set handy. Kobalt introduced its 46-piece Tap and Die Set to take away that dilemma and provide you with the tools necessary to fix that nut or bolt right up. Of course, you can also use a good tap and die set to take a bare piece of steel rod and turn it into a threaded one. For most, however, you’ll use this to fix a bad bolt, nut, or threaded socket – and those are the tasks for which this level of set is best suited.

Black & Decker 18V String Trimmer & Edger NST2018 Preview

Black and Decker 18V String Trimmer and Edger NST2018 Preview

For power tools, battery technology seems to be making inroads and moving an increasing number of products into the realm of emissions-free, cordless technology. Yard tools have been understandably delayed, since the bettery power and sustained use periods make it difficult to transition over to a reliable, rechargeable solution. Black & Decker is still at the forefront, however, and has released a new 18V String Trimmer & Edger (Model NST2018) that eliminates gas in favor of NiCd batteries. While clearly more convenient than a corded solution, the real question is whether or not the power and usability will cause anyone not paranoid about emissions to switch to the new technology. Our guess is that it may take a few more product iterations before mainstream users pick up these new cordless tools over their more traditional gas-powered counterparts.

Black & Decker 18V 22" Cordless Hedgehog Trimmer NHT518 Preview

Black and Decker Hedgehog Trimmer NHT518 Preview

Battery technology is creating a seemingly endless sea of new and innovative products that are quickly placing emissions-free, cordless technology into the hands of consumers, where previously gas was the only available option. Yard tools are tougher than your typical cordless power tool because they typically demand sustained power over longer periods of time than a drill gun or even a product like a finish nailer. Because of this, we look favorably on products such as the new 18V 22″ Cordless Hedgehog Hedge Trimmer that uses NiCd batteries in place of gas or dragging a cord. Those who are adamantly against adding emissions to the atmosphere will jump at any new cordless option, but the real test is whether a tool has mass market appeal. At this point, most products, including this one will likely take a few more years and product iterations before mainstream users dump their gas products for new cordless tools.

DeWALT DC500 Heavy Duty 2 Gallon Cordless/Corded Wet/Dry Vacuum Review

DeWalt DC500 Heavy Duty 2 Gallon Cordless/Corded Wet/Dry Vacuum Review

The DeWALT DC500 Heavy Duty 2 Gallon Cordless/Corded Wet/Dry Vacuum comes with plenty of suction power that is packaged into a portable size that makes it well suited for the cleanup of almost any small project. With the five foot long hose and on board tools, you can easily reach into tight spaces. Since it can function on battery power, you can take this where other vacuum cleaners can’t go.

Makita Drywall Screwdriver FS6200TP Quick Look

Makita FS6200TP Drywall Screwdriver Preview

Makita’s new drywall screwdriver line comes with an impressive new lightweight design. There are three new models and each features a 6-amp motor, aluminum gear housing, adjustable depth locator, and LED work light. The only difference between models is the maximum speed (which of course begs the question: why not one tool with three settings?). The FS6200 delivers 0-6,000 RPM while the FS4200 delivers 0-4,000 RPM – and both weigh just 2.9 lbs. The FS2200 delivers 0-2,500 RPM and weighs 3.5 lbs. Makita also provides several model options: The FS4200A features a 50 ft. cord and the FS4200TP a 50 ft. twist lock cord. The FS6200TP also features a 50 ft. twist lock power cord.

Makita BO5041K 5-inch Random Orbit Sander Quick Look

Makita BO5041K 5-inch Random Orbit Sander Preview

The Makita model BO5041K 5″ Random Orbit Sander is engineered for cabinetry, furniture, wood boats, decks, and general carpentry, and is ideal for carpenters and general contractors seeking a best in class random orbit sander. Model BO5041K includes abrasive paper, dust bag, and tool case (Makita offers a variety of hoses and adapters – sold separately – for attachment to vacuum systems).