Tool Reviews

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Duo-Fast DF350S Round Head Angled Framing Nailer Review

Duo-Fast DF350S Round Head Angled Framing Nailer Review

The Duo-Fast DF350S Framing Nailer is a durable and lightweight framing nailer that packs a solid punch. The Duo-Fast comes with a bunch of great features like a switchable trigger to go from sequential to bump firing, a metal exhaust cap which is great for tapping framing members into place and a dry fire lockout feature that eliminates blank firing

Senco FN55AX 18 Gauge Finish Nailer First Look

Senco FN55AX 18 Gauge Finish Nailer First Look

Senco’s new Fusion tools combine the best of pneumatic and cordless technology. The Fusion cordless tools are available in 15 gauge angled and 18 gauge straight. What makes them impressive is that they eliminate the disadvantages associated with traditional gas and battery powered nailers. Fuel cell replacement costs, trigger response time, charge capability and excessive tool weight are virtually eliminated with these new models.

Swanson 24" Magnetic Lightning Level Review BLL24M

Swanson 24″ Magnetic Lightning Level Review BLL24M

Everyone needs a good level. When you’re working in dimly lit areas such as walk-in closets, attics or work sheds, a lighted level seems just the thing to make a common task much easier to manage. Swanson’s most recent line of levels, including their Savage line of torpedo levels, have always done a good job of capturing a great amount of the available light within their vials – making them easier to view. With their new Lightning Level, however, Swanson Tools takes it to a new level and uses a couple of AAA batteries to send this level where few have gone before.

Bosch PS41-2A 12V Lithium-Ion Impact Driver Review

Bosch PS41-2A 12V Impact Driver Review

The first generation of Bosch’s 12V line of tools was impressive, but the fact that just about three years later they released a third generation impact driver means that they are coming after the market with a vengeance. The case in point would be the brand new PS41-2A Impact Driver. For this review I was able to solicit the second-gen PS40-2A from a friend and therefore face off the newer model against its predecessor. The results definitely proved that the new impact driver didn’t just get smaller, it got more powerful – as the revised specs indicate.

Bosch MRC23EVSK plunge fixed router

Bosch MRC23EVSK 2.3 HP Plunge and Fixed-Base Router

Bosch MRC23EVSK 2.3 HP offers 10000-25000 RPM, Trigger Control System for enhanced control, afterlock microfine depth adjustment for easy & precise adjustments at any plunge setting. Also, the tools includes fixed-base depth adjustment that features continuous microfine adjustment range & wrench for adjustments through top of optional router table, a bright LED Lighting for enhanced visibility in bit area while the 2-Stage Quick Clamp System is for fast tool-free conversion, plus soft-start that reduces start-up torque. In addition, Bosch variable speed dial for matching speed to workpiece and task while Constant-Response Circuitry which maintains constant speed under load, provides overload protection, also plunge base has contoured soft grip handles for enhanced control and comfort at all plunge depths while fixed base has threaded holes for mounting to router table positioned in Bosch 4-hole pattern and common 3-hole pattern. Also, Power Switch and Rugged carrying case.

Bosch 1617EVS Fixed Base Router

Bosch 1617EVS 2.25 HP Fixed-Base Router

Bosch 1617 EVS router features a 12 amp, 2-1/4-horsepower, no-load 8000 to 25000 rpm motor. Its exclusive precision centering system delivers accurate, repeatable cuts at any depth setting. The router includes a microfine bit depth adjustment with re-settable indicator ring and an adjustable sub-base. The router is made of strong, lightweight, all-magnesium construction. It features a precision self-extracting collet system, quick templet guide-change lever, and one-piece armature shaft for accuracy and long bit shank capacity.

Bosch 11335K Jack Breaker Hammer

Bosch 11335K Jack Breaker Hammer

Bosch 11335K 35-Pound 1-1/8-Inch Jack Hammer Kit features an impact force of 34 ft.-lbs and powerful 1750 W motor. This tool also includes an exclusive active vibration control shock absorbing top handle reduces vibration by up to 40%, an in-line Design with multiple grip positions for maximum performance in angled, horizontal, and vertical applications. Also, it offers large main handle that increased control and handling, well positioned lock on switch, a 360° Articulating Auxiliary Handle that provides a wide range of movement along with operator comfort, Carrying Case with Wheels for convenient storage and easy transportation, 2 Way Tool Retainer that accepts standard 1-1/8″ (28mm) hex, air tool steel with retaining collar or Bosch internal locking combo stee, plus all Metal Housing for jobsite durability.

Bosch T1757 Premium Hammer Hauler

Bosch T1757 Premium Hammer Hauler

The new bosch T1757 premium hammer hauler is designed for easy transportation, user convenience, and system compatibility. The quick-release strap is fast, easy to adjust, and holds the tool securely to the hauler without loosening. The hauler’s grommets securely hold the hammer steel in place during transportation. The 3.8-Inch foam tires are shock absorbing for rough and rocky terrain. They will not puncture even in the roughest of conditions.

Bosch 11264EVS rotary hammer

Bosch 11264EVS 1-5/8″ SDS-Max Rotary Hammer Preview

Bosch 11264VS offers unmatched Power to Weight Ratio(13 Amps, 8.1 ft-lbs Impact energy & 14.3 lbs), the best performing rotary hammer in its class! The tool features an active Vibration Control, One-Hand SDS-max that makes changing bits easier than ever before while maximizing jobsite productivity, and Constant Response Circuitry maintains speed under load and overload protection while Turbo Power delivers 20% more power in hammer only mode, also vario-lock positioning that rotates and locks chisel into 12 different positions, an Auto-Max variable speed Dial, a Service Minder light that indicates when preventative maintenance is required, and Patented cord turret that reduces cord wear.

Bosch 1" SDS-plus BULLDOG Xtreme Rotary Hammer 11255VSR Preview

Bosch 11255VSR SDS-plus BULLDOG Xtreme Rotary Hammer

Bosch bills this as the fastest, longest lasting breed of rotary hammer. The totally redesigned BULLDOG Xtreme outlasts the competition in both speed and performance. A side-mounted multi-function selector allows 3 modes of operation: rotary hammer, hammer-only and rotation-only mode. Vario-Lock Positioning rotates and locks the chisel into 36 different positions to optimize your working angle. The patented rotating brush plate provides equal power in both forward and reverse, so you get as much torque and speed coming out as you do going in. There are also some nice minor touches, like how the cord turret has a 35-degree pivot for added flexibility and longer cord life.