Tool Reviews

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Makita 12V Lithium-Ion Combo Kit LCT208W Preview

Makita 12V Lithium-Ion Combo Kit LCT208W Preview

Makita just released its contribution to the 12V world with its 12V max Lithium-Ion Cordless 2-Piece Combo Kit, model LCT208W. The new combo kit features a tiny but versatile new 3-3/8″ Circular Saw with a range of cutting capabilities, paired with a powerful and compact 3/8″ Driver-Drill. The new LCT208W is the first of what seems to be a growing line of 12V max cordless solutions that deliver pro power and pro speed in a fairly compact size.

Ridgid micro IR-100 Infrared Thermometer Preview

Ridgid micro IR-100 Infrared Thermometer Preview

Have you ever tried to stick a thermometer into an A/C register? It’s easy when you can stand 20 feet away and just beam a laser where you want to measure. The Ridgid micro IR-100 Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer provides simple, quick and accurate surface temperature readings at the push of a button. You simply squeeze the trigger and point the ultra-sharp dual class II lasers at the surface being measured.

Ridgid micro CD-100 Combustible Gas Detector Preview

Ridgid micro CD-100 Combustible Gas Detector Preview

The Ridgid micro CD-100 Combustible Gas Detector provides simple and quick readings to identify the presence of combustible gases. The micro CD-100 is designed to detect Methane, Propane, Butane, Ethanol, Ammonia, Hydrogen and many other combustible gases. With adjustable sensitivity, even low-levels of gases can be detected in seconds. The Ridgid micro CD-100 Gas Detector is the tool for ensuring proper gas line installations, checking for maintenance and repair needs or quickly pinpoint combustible gas leaks.

Ridgid micro LM-100 Laser Distance Meter Preview

Ridgid micro LM-100 Laser Distance Meter Preview

The Ridgid micro LM-100 Laser Distance Meter provides simple, quick and accurate distance readings. Simply push the measurement button to turn on the Ultra-Sharp Class II lasers, point the device at at the spot to be measured to, and push the measurement button. The distance reading will appear on the easy to read LCD display. We’ve reviewed several other laser distance measures, and Ridgid’s version of this rugged, compact, portable instrument enables professional tradesman to quickly determine run distances in a variety of scenarios.

Kerry-All 4' x 8' Plywood Pouch Review

Kerry-All 4′ x 8′ Plywood Pouch Review

Have you ever showed up at your local building supply store, loaded up our truck with materials only to have it start to rain as you were driving home? Since most of us don’t have vehicles or trailers to be able to transport larger size materials without them being exposed to the elements, how do you get them home with no damage? That’s easy with the line of Kerry-All Pouches from Kerry Woodworking. These pouches come in many sizes that allow you to slip in your materials to keep the weather off of them for easy transport with any vehicle or trailer.

Makita GA4534 4-1/2" Paddle Switch Angle Grinder Preview

Makita GA4534 4-1/2″ Paddle Switch Angle Grinder Preview

Makita announced the new GA4534, engineered with non-protruding brush holders and an innovative motor housing that reduce the barrel diameter to a scant 2-3/16″. In addition, the GA4534 has an ergonomic grip for added comfort, and weighs only 4.2 lbs. for reduced operator fatigue. The side handle is positioned at an increased 20-degree angle for added comfort and control, and the paddle switch has a no lock-on mode for added user preference.

Milwaukee M12 Palm Nailer Kit 2458-21 Preview

Milwaukee M12 Palm Nailer Kit 2458-21 Preview

It didn’t take long for us to be amazed at the power and efficiency of Milwaukee’s new M12 Palm Nailer when we saw it at the company’s 2010 Press Event. The tool is literally a 12V lithium-ion powered palm nailer that can drive 12D and 16D nails into 2×4 studs flush without any problems – we know because we demoed it and were just as surprised as anyone reading this article. The M12 Palm Nailer provides a portable solution to professional nailing applications without the hassle of an air compressor or hose. It also makes a joke out of those cordless 12V autohammers made by Craftsman and Ryobi. For whatever reason, this palm nailer hits hard, while those other tools come off feeling like they couldn’t do more than hang a picture with a finish nail.