Tool Reviews

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Dremel Trio Kit 6800-01 Review

Dremel Trio 6800 Review

At this point we’d have to say that there is no reason not to have a few Dremel tools around the shop. The Trio is yet another product that is simply easy to use and handy for a variety of tasks, from sanding to cutting to routing. The trick with the Dremel is understand its target market. This isn’t a professional’s tool – simply because it’s flexibility precludes it from being the very best at anything that it does – but it IS extremely flexible, and provides a value that is almost unheard of and unseen in the marketplace. Like the MultiMax before it, this is one of those tools that makes a great gift for any DIY or enthusiast.

Bosch MX25EK-33 Oscillating Multi-Tool Kit Preview

Bosch MX25EK-33 Oscillating Multi-Tool Kit Preview

Bosch Power Tools and Accessories announces the next generation of professional OIS (Oscillating Tool Interface) oscillating tools with its MX25EK-33 Oscillating Multi-Tool Kit, designed to ease flush-cutting, plunge cutting, sanding, grinding, grout removal, scraping and many more time-consuming and tiring applications. Ideal for renovation, construction, woodworking, and home repair tasks, its compact size makes it small enough for working in corners and other tight spaces. Paired with Bosch oscillating multi-tool accessories, the MX25E delivers quality results with minimal effort.

Milwaukee 6519-31 Sawzall Reciprocating Saw Kit Review

Milwaukee 6519-31 Sawzall Reciprocating Saw Kit Review

There are a few select products that define entire market segments such as what Skillsaw is to circular saws, Xerox is to copiers and what the Milwaukee Sawzall is to reciprocating saws. Milwaukee’s new 6519-31 Reciprocating Sawzall stays true its original roots, yet boasts more power, longer stroke length, less vibration, and a bargain value price point.

Bosch 4310 10" Dual-Bevel Sliding Miter Saw Preview

Bosch 4310 10″ Dual-Bevel Sliding Miter Saw Preview

The new 4310 10″ dual-bevel sliding miter saw from Bosch builds off the success of its award-winning predecessor, the 4410 and has many of the same features and specifications. Ideal for woodworkers, finish carpenters, remodelers and others, Bosch’s 4310 packs big-saw performance into a more compact and affordable 10″ chassis. The make-or-break measures of any miter saw are the power and speed to get the job done, and the 4310 seems to deliver. Operating at 4,800 RPM (800 RPM faster than the nearest competitor) and powered by a gutsy 15-amp motor, the Bosch 4310 seems to want to sit at the top of its category in a big way.