Tool Reviews

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Jointmaker Pro v2 Manual Table Saw Preview

Jointmaker Pro v2 Manual Table Saw Preview

This kind of product doesn’t come around all that often: a tool that makes it possible to do manually, something that we only thought really possible with electricity. Want to do some serious craftsmanship by hand for a special project? The new Jointmaker Pro v2 Manual Table Saw by Bridge City Tool Works is your solution. We immediately thought of third world country mission work, but the tool is actually a bit too refined and more suitable for detail and finish work than rough cuts and simply getting boards cut where there’s no power (for that the hand saw will still be your friend).

Milwaukee True RMS Fork Meter 2205-20 Review

Milwaukee True RMS Fork Meter 2205-20 Review

When we first set eyes on the Milwaukee 2205-20 Fork Meter, we thought it was a quaint tool – but its compact size is in stark contrast to its impressive feature set. Turns out, this is a rugged compact CAT IV electricians tool that has lots of great features, not the least of which are an integrated LED work light and reverse white-on-black LCD display. After using it over the past few weeks, we’ve come to appreciate its convenience and size as well as the way it makes one-handed measurements both possible and practical.

DeWalt Metal Folding Sawhorse

Top 5 Makeshift Saw Horses You Shouldn’t Try

If you are a new homeowner, you’ve probably invested in some of those plastic saw horses for use in your occasional projects. We hope you did because, if you didn’t, you’re probably going to use one of the non-standard makeshift ones we list below. Please don’t. They are dangerous on many levels. They are probably not as stable as you think. They tend to be different heights, causing you to make imprecise cuts. They may even be parts of your body which is just asking for trouble. Here are or Top 5 Not Recommended Makeshift Saw Horses.

Johnson Level 40-6001 Laser Distance Measure Review

Johnson Level 40-6001 Laser Distance Measure Review

The Johnson Level 40-6001 Laser Distance Measure is a compact, feature rich hand held tool that will make it a breeze to accurately measure nearly anything indoors or outdoors by yourself. Estimators, painters, flooring companies, contractors, engineers and architects are just a few types of the folks that will find find a tool like this invaluable once they learn how to use it. No more stretching out 100 foot tapes and having someone hold the dumb end of the measure.

Porter-Cable PCL212IDC-2 12V Max Cordless Compact 2-Tool Kit Review

Porter-Cable PCL212IDC-2 12V Max Cordless Compact 2-Tool Kit Review

If you’re looking for a compact yet powerful and versatile impact driver and drill/driver, the Porter-Cable PCL212IDC-2 12V Max Lithium Cordless Compact 2-Tool Kit is all you need. It is a small, powerful, and handy kit that can tackle almost any project that requires drilling, driving, or the need for being able to work in a cramped area. With 950in-lbs of driving torque, the impact driver can tackle almost any job. The drill/driver with a 3/8″ chuck, variable 2 speed transmission, and a clutch with 20 positions, will have you covered for all your drilling needs.