Tool Reviews

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Johnson Level 118000 Picture Perfect Level Review

Johnson Level 118000 Picture Perfect Level Review

So, you just hung something on the wall and you can’t get it quite straight. Chances are that you could probably use the Johnson Level 118000 Picture Perfect Level to get it just right. With this nifty little tool, you can quickly and easily get all your wall hangings perfectly level. This is the tool that, rather than keeping in a tool box out in the garage, should be in a drawer in the kitchen.

Johnson Level 1707-4800 level vials

Johnson Level 1707-4800 Glo-View Aluminum Box Level Review

The new Johnson Level 1707-4800 48-inch long Glo-View Heavy Duty Aluminum Box Level can definitely help you get things straight, even in a dimly lit room, thanks to its glow-in-the-dark level vial surrounds. The other feature of this level – one that is almost better than the glow-in-the-dark feature – is the domed level vial that offers 320 degree visibility. With a oversized aluminum box frame, precision machined edges and faces and large size hand holds, this level is a carpenter’s dream.

Black & Decker SPCM1936 19" Self-Propelled 36V Rechargeable Mower

Black and Decker SPCM1936 19″ Self-Propelled 36V Lawnmower

We like green – and what can be more green than a rechargeable lawn mower? Well, Black & Decker is improving its line of rechargeable lawn care products with the introduction of its new SPCM1936 36 volt cordless rechargeable mower that has variable speeds. This new rechargeable mower also offers a self propelled feature which allows users to adjust the mowing speed to their personal pace so they can achieve great cutting results with minimal effort.

Prest-on Insta-backs Drywall Fasteners Review

Prest-on Insta-backs Drywall Fasteners Review

We ran into Kirk Conville of Prest-on while walking around the International Builders Show. As soon as I saw their booth, where they were demoing (live) their Insta-back Drywall Fastener products, I was captured. Little did Kirk know that I had a project that perfectly matched his solution. You see, I had just installed a television mount overtop a fireplace – and I had done it incorrectly. As a result, I needed to make a drywall patch – and one that I had been dreading for some time. Looking at the Prest-on project, I was feeling a lot more confident, and downright excited to get started.

Milwaukee M18 Cordless 3/8" Right Angle Drill Driver Preview

Milwaukee M18 Cordless 3/8″ Right Angle Drill Driver Preview

Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation expands its M18 Lithium-ion system with the new M18 Cordless 3/8″ Right Angle Drill Driver. As the only 18V Right Angle Drill with an adjustable clutch feature, the new tool provides eleven torque settings, plus one drill mode, for complete control in close-quarter fastening applications. Featuring a 3/8″ one handed, keyless ratcheting chuck, the user can quickly change bits without additional tools. In addition, an extended paddle switch design provides easy trigger actuation from the top, middle, or bottom of the tool to allow the user to change hand position depending on the application.