Tool Reviews

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Dow Great Stuff PRO 15 Gun Review

Dow Great Stuff PRO 15 Gun Review

The Pro 15 is Dow’s answer to dispensing its Great Stuff Pro expanding foam consistently and easily. It’s a one-handed tool that allows the PRO cans to fasten securely to the top and dispense a bead of expanding foam anywhere from 1/8″ to 3″ in thickness. If you do a lot of construction work, or you are in the specialty trades like plumbing, electrical or weatherization, you’re going to want a tool like this to simplify what can be a very tedious and time-intensive task. Once you use a dispensing gun, you won’t want to go back to manual cans. Add to that the fact that Dow’s Great Stuff Gun can help you to use your cans longer and reduce waste and it just might save you money over the long haul.

Milwaukee Realtree AP Camo M12 Heated Jacket Review

Milwaukee Realtree AP Camo M12 Heated Jacket Review

We reviewed the Milwaukee M12 Heated Jacket earlier this year and found it to be an exceptionally warm, extremely durable and comfortable jacket that withstood a lot of our outdoor testing. The jacket can be purchased as a kit, or as a separate SKU for those who already have a set of M12 batteries and a charger. While we loved the jacket, we thought it would be nice to see Milwaukee offer it in something other than their trademark Red color. Now they do. And it’s camo!

Kershaw Blur Folding Knife 1670BLKST Features

Kershaw Blur Folding Knife 1670BLKST Review

The Kershaw Blur Folding Knife 1670BLKST comes in black with a partially serrated modified drop point blade, super grip handles and the proven SpeedSafe assisted-opening system. With the knife in hand, one of the first things that will jump out at you is how much grip that the handle materials offer. The sides of the aluminum handles have textured rubber inserts that make it virtually slip-resistant, even with greasy or wet hands. With just a little bit of thumb pressure against the thumb studs located towards the back of the blade, the blade swings and locks open with an authoritative thwack sound. The liner lock keeps the blade securely open until you press it sideways to release the blade. All in all this knife is packed with practical features that make it great for every day carry.

Emglo EM810-4V Compact 4-Gallon Oiled Air Compressor Review

Emglo EM810-4V Compact 4-Gallon Oiled Air Compressor Review

The Emglo EM810-4V Heavy-Duty 4 Gal Oil-Lube Stacked Tank Air Compressor has twin tanks, a cast iron cylinder and a central handle that makes it easy to carry around on the jobsite. With a 1.1 HP motor, plenty of air capacity and air delivery; this compressor has the ability to drive up to four brad or finish nailers or two framing, roofing or flooring nailers at one time with out slowing down. We think that this 56 pound compressor should meet the needs of most trim carpenters, remodelers, light duty framers, roofers or flooring professionals. The Emglo EM810-4V Compressor is backed with a one-year limited warranty and can be found in Lowe’s Home improvement Centers.

DeWalt DCD740C1 20V MAX Lithium-Ion Compact Right Angle Drill Review

DeWalt DCD740C1 20V MAX Lithium-Ion Compact Right Angle Drill Review

While not used everyday, the DeWalt DCD740C1 20V MAX Lithium-Ion Compact Right Angle Drill could prove to be a lifesaver for getting into super tight spaces thanks to its small head size. If you ever have to put in a screw or drill a hole in a place that is almost out of reach, then you know the value of a good right angle drill. The DeWalt looks like a good choice since it has a two-speed transmission, a compact head size and a more ergonomic handle which means better ease of use. Carpenters, cabinetmakers and installers, woodworkers, remodelers, electricians and plumbers will surly be the first in line to grab one of these once they start to show up in stores. The 20V MAX cordless tools combine smart tool and battery technology with the durability that many trade professionals have counted on for years.

DeWalt DCD780C2 20V MAX Lithium-Ion Compact Drill/Driver Review

DeWalt DCD780C2 20V MAX Lithium-Ion Compact Drill/Driver Review

The DeWalt DCD780C2 20V MAX Lithium-Ion Compact Drill/Driver shows off that bigger is not better by demonstrating that power, speed and features can be combined in a small package. This drill is ideally suited for anyone that has just about any kind of drilling and fastening requirements – within reason, that is. Equipped a 1/2″ ratcheting chuck, variable speed motor and a two speed transmission, you will have the flexibility you need to do many different drilling and driving tasks. Since it weighs in at a very manageable 3.4 pounds, even extended overhead work can be done with less fatigue.

Blaklader Bantam Utility Pocket Pants - light duty knee pads

Blaklader Bantam Utility Pocket Pants Review

There are plenty of work pants to choose from and some brands have a very long history and faithful following but they often lack innovation. The Blaklader Bantam Utility Pocket Pants are here to challenge what work pants are all about. With pockets in the right places and details that make life on the job easier, we really could not find any faults. Right out of the box they fit comfortable and did not require multiple wash cycles to get them pliable. While they might not win fashion shows with the outside utility pockets, most guys that actually have to work for a living won’t care. These utility pockets are just the right size and in the right location that they quickly become second nature to utilize them. Just in case you are slightly fashion conscious, there are pockets behind the utility pockets that allow them to be tucked away when not needed. If you ask us, we think that these just might just be the best work pants ever.