Paslode TetraGrip Subfloor Fastening System Review
Squeaking subfloors can be a homeowner’s nightmare and one of the hardest things for a contractor to fix once the final floors are installed. Potential problems can be eliminated from the onset in new construction and even renovation work with the new Paslode TetraGrip Subfloor Fastening System. This system uses the proprietary TetraGrip Subfloor Fastener and the dedicated Paslode PF237C Pneumatic TetraGrip Coil Nailer. These fasteners drive like a nail, yet hold like a screw thanks to their revolutionary “barb-threaded” design which deliver the holding power of a floor screw. Productivity over using screws is greatly increased because you can drive these fasteners as fast as you can pull the trigger on the nailer. This nailing system may be a game changer for the residential market and we will try it out to see what we think.