Wenger 16999 Giant Swiss Army Knife Review
The Wenger 16999 Giant Swiss Army Knife is designed to celebrate 100 years of innovation by building in pretty much every tool that […]
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The Wenger 16999 Giant Swiss Army Knife is designed to celebrate 100 years of innovation by building in pretty much every tool that […]
Sometimes, great ideas are small. Take Rockler’s newest product, the Magnetic Cord Keeper. This is a small magnetic device that […]
There’s nothing like a project to introduce you to new and interesting circular saw blades. As we readied a new […]
We reviewed the well-received Dremel Multi-Max Oscillating Tool last year and found it to be one of our go-to tools for any number of particular uses for which it continues to be well-suited. It’s an extremely adept tool and works well, plus you can find accessories in just about any hardware store or home improvement warehouse. With that said, we thought we had heard the last of the Dremel multi-tool, especially when the company announced the cordless version of its Multi-Max line. Now, the company has gone back in and modified the original Multi-Max 6300 corded tool into two new versions – and both are very impressive in their own right. Today we look closely at the new MM20-01 Oscillating Tool Kit to see what makes it tick.
Having reviewed the popular (for good reason) Dremel Multi-Max 6300 Oscillating Tool last year and it really became one of our go-to tools for undercutting, cutting in electrical boxes and various other task for which a multi-tool is perfectly suited. Because Dremel was first to market following the release of the Fein patent, its accessories are very popular and found in just about any hardware store or home improvement warehouse. Even with all that behind it, we thought we were pretty much at the end of the Dremel story. I mean, they have both a corded and cordless model – so what else is there? Apparently more power. The company has tweaked their Multi-Max 6300 corded tool into two brand new models. Today we’re taking a sneak peek at the new MM40-01 Oscillating Tool Kit – paying particular attention to their new tool-less blade change.
While the thought of a “portable” miter saw is appealing, carrying one around by hand is not my favorite past-time. I’d rather use a dedicated miter saw stand. We’ve used a bunch of these over the years, and when DeWalt announced it had put out a new gas-assisted model, the DWX726, we thought we’d give it a try to see how they might have improved upon what was already on the market. First and foremost, the job of a good miter saw stand is to support the saw, while also providing a consistent feed and support for the work material. There are two basic types of miter saw stands, the compact fixed stand (with or without roller feeds) and the heavier-duty rolling stand that is made to be a more permanent yet portable solution. DeWalt has both, but the new DWX726 promises to be both robust and highly portable.
When we went to Kobalt’s Press Event in New York where they debuted the new line of 18V Li-ion tools, one of the things we were most impressed with was the Compact Drill Driver. This was a tool that, while not perfect, took a lot of cues from successful products that had come before it. Kobalt’s first foray into the world of Cordless Power Tools didn’t appear to be so introductory as some other manufacturers’ have been. They more or less leapt right into the second generation tools, making themselves more competitive than if they had debuted a product lacking many of the features and qualities we now come to expect.
Going cord-free with trim nailers is the way to go, and the Paslode 900600 Cordless 16-gauge Angled Finish Nailer makes this easy to do. This nailer is best suited for the pro that focuses on remodeling and trim work. With an excellent line of sight and an angled nail magazine, getting fasteners into difficult-to-reach places is easy and can be done with great precision. The idea of not having to drag around a compressor, cords and hoses is a very compelling argument for going cordless. Not to mention, this Paslode is lightweight, compact, comes with a built-in hanging hook and is incredibly easy to use. This nailer makes our list of must-have tools!
We already did a pretty thorough review of the Paslode 900600 Cordless 16-gauge Angled Finish Nailer last year. That was an excellent tool (still is) and it transformed, in my mind, the potential for what a finish nailer could be. Apparently, however, that was the dry run – regardless of how great a run it was. This year, Paslode released an update/replacement that has more than a few tweaks to the former tool. They’ve been listening to their users and we have to say, these tweaks – present in the new IM250A LI – really refine this tool into something special.
We often use trim compressors to do smaller projects because of their compact size, convenience and mobility. The Porter Cable C1010 1 Gallon 135 PSI Max Quiet Trim Compressor is all of that and more. Overall weight is a very manageable 24 pounds and there is a protective steel roll cage that also doubles as the carry handle, allowing the compressor to be carried in an upright position. Probably the biggest feature of this little compressor is that it is oil-free and quiet. Normally you can’t say both of those words in the same sentence when talking about compressors. Somehow the engineers at Porter-Cable figured out how to make this little guy maintenance-free and you can stand to be in the same room with it when it is running. Our plan was to find out if it really is as good as they say it is.