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Irwin 2500 Series Levels

Irwin 2500 Series Levels Preview

Irwin has released a new line of levels, dubbed the 2500 Series and they are marketing them in an unusual way. To demonstrate how tough they are, the company took a Chevy Silverado with 3,360 pounds of front axle weight and drove it across both a pair of Stabila Type 196 levels and a pair of their new 2500 Series levels. The Stabila levels folded under the pressure, but the 2500s held firm with just a slight bow in the middle. It’s an impressive demo and now perhaps you can use your levels to square up your shed and then make a ramp to drive your tractor into it… or not. In either case, the frame of the new levels are made with thick-walled high-grade aluminum. It’s gotta be pretty thick indeed to stand up to that type of stress.

Sola BR48 Big Red 48" Aluminum Level Review

Sola BR48 Big Red 48-inch Aluminum Level Review

There are many things to consider when looking for a level and the new Sola RB48 Big Red 48″ High Profile Aluminum Box Level really appeals to pro users thanks to its many on-target features. Extra large shockproof acrylic block vials makes it easy to quickly and accurately see if your project is plumb or level. With a thick wall aluminum box frame design, accuracy is maintained, yet the level never feels unwieldy due to its lightweight construction. With a lifetime warranty and great features like phosphorescent vials, we are excited to see this European brand coming to North America.

Gyros 58-23672 Magnalite Pro Cordless Work Light Review

Gyros Magnalite Pro Cordless Work Light Review

The Gyros 58-23672 Magnalite Pro Cordless Work Light makes working in the dark an almost pleasant experience thanks to its portability, flexibility and the large amount of light it puts out. This work light can easily replace most automotive drop lights, flashlights and even camping lanterns – and yet it offers cool-to-the-touch bright light to illuminate any task. With a slender size and lithium-ion battery power, there are many things to like about this work light.

Lenox Bi-Metal Utility Bit 5-pc Kit Review

Lenox Bi-Metal Utility Bit 5-pc Kit Review

We’re used to high quality wood bits, but the new Bi-Metal 5-piece kit from Lenox is something that tore into wood faster, with more certainty , and with greater precision than any spade bit or traditional drill bit we’d experienced. We broke out these bits on a rewiring job for an old 1925 Colonial 2-story home. As you can imagine, there were ample opportunities to try out several sizes of bi-metal bits, and we were looking for something that could handle the near-petrified wood that this house was constructed with. After several days of use, we were sold.