Tool Reviews

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Kershaw Compound 1940ST Folding Knife Review

Kershaw Compound 1940ST Folding Knife Review

The Kershaw Compound 1940ST is a partially serrated knife that features the company’s Speedsafe assisted open and a durable glass-filled nylon handle with pocket clip. The knife is a tad unusual in that the handle tapers down to a very thin, just 5/8-inch depth at the base of the handle. With a partially serrated blade, the Compound 1940ST is perfectly suited for both slicing and cutting tougher cords or rope. We liked the weight of the knife and the way it fit snugly and deeply into our pocket, with only the smallest amount peeking out – so as an every day carry (EDC) knife this may be an excellent choice for you.

SENCO FN55AX Fusion F-18 Cordless 18-Gauge Brad Nailer Review

SENCO FN55AX Fusion F-18 Cordless 18 gauge Brad Nailer

With the rise of cordless finish nailers, Senco takes a different approach by using a sealed nitrogen cylinder and a lithium-ion battery to keep them powered. Recently we had the chance to try out the FN55AX Fusion F-18 Cordless 18-Gauge Brad Nailer. We found that this nailer packs in a pile of useful features, has plenty of power, and will keep up with pneumatic nailers. More and more we are turning to brad nails for our finishing projects because of their great holding power combined with the very small head size. A smaller head size means less patching and putty when you are done. There is a lot to like with this nailer and it comes in near the top of our list of must-have tools.

Ultimate Battery Power UBP5000BT-DW-CH Battery Belt Review

Ultimate Battery Power Battery Belt

If you have a lot of DeWalt, Ryobi or Craftsman 18V cordless tools and find yourself frequently running out of battery power, the Ultimate Battery Power Battery Belt is something you should definitely check out. Repetitious or continuous use of cordless power tools can be troubling, since you normally need to keep a collection of batteries on the ready. Recently, we spent some time with the new Ultimate Battery Power UBP5000BT-DW-CH Battery Belt which came with the battery adapter for top post style 18V DeWalt cordless tools. The concept behind this battery belt is that it gives you up to 3.5 times longer run-time – and that means getting through a project on a single charge and with no battery changes.

Hart 21 oz. Milled Face Hickory Framing Hammer Review

Hart 21 oz Milled Face Hickory Framing Hammer Review

For some, a hammer isn’t all that important. If you’re serious about tools, however, or a framer by trade, a hammer is an extension of your arm and something you use almost all the time. With that being the case, issues like weight, features, and balance become very important. In fact, when you’re striking nails almost non-stop, it’s possible to actually calculate the time-is-money factor, and you’ll see that your choice of hammer becomes something that could net you literally hours of labor-savings over the course of a year. It was with that mentality that we turned our fascination to Hart’s line of Mill-faced Framing Hammers.

Hart 21 oz. Milled Face Steel Framing Hammer Review

Hart 21 oz Milled Face Steel Framing Hammer Review

For some, a hammer isn’t all that important. If you’re serious about tools, however, or a framer by trade, a hammer is an extension of your arm and something you use almost all the time. With that being the case, issues like weight, features, and balance become very important. In fact, when you’re striking nails almost non-stop, it’s possible to actually calculate the time-is-money factor, and you’ll see that your choice of hammer becomes something that could net you literally hours of labor-savings over the course of a year. It was with that mentality that we turned our fascination to Hart’s line of Mill-faced Steel Framing Hammers.

Simple Man Products Spyder 2-in-1 Bore-Blade Review

Spyder Bore Blade Review

We applaud inventive ideas and progress and it is fun when we see new things. It is just that good ideas don’t always make for a great product. Take the case of the Spyder Products 2-in-1 Bore-Blade: it might have been better left as an idea, since we did not have good success with them on our simple project. For most professionals, when cutting wood, we use a wood blade. When cutting metal ,we use a metal blade. And if we are doing plunge cuts, there are specific blades available that do an excellent job at that as well. When you start combining too many different features into one product, this is where things can get tricky because something is going to suffer. We were excited to give the new Spyder Bore-Blade a try to see if it could do all that the company claimed.

Masterforce 18V Cordless Band Saw 241-0440 Review

Masterforce 18V Cordless Band Saw 241-0440 Review

The Masterforce 18V cordless band saw was something that intrigued me. It looked light and portable and it was based on a decent platform that I was familiar with, so I knew there were batteries, chargers, and other tools that could work off the same system. That alone made it expandable and attractive and, besides that, I had been looking forward to trying out a cordless version of this type of tool for quite a while now. Not many DIY-types will have much use for a cordless band saw, but if you are an electrician or a plumber, it will almost undoubtedly be one of the greatest power tools in your bag. I happen to work for a local electrical company and so the ideas that were running through my head while pondering the use of this type of tool in my daily job, were beginning to overwhelm me. This was going to be a review I could really dive into.

Metabo STA 18 LTX 18V Cordless Jig Saw Preview

Metabo STA 18 LTX 18V Cordless Jig Saw Preview

Metabo Corporation is a company we’re at least familiar with, though we haven’t done too much hands-on with their tools to-date (something we hope to remedy soon). The German company has been around for decades and specializes in pro-grade electric and cordless power tools and abrasives for the industrial, construction and welding industries. This week, Metabo introduced the 18V STA 18 LTX Cordless Jig Saw which is part of the company’s PowerMaster Series of 18V lithium-ion cordless power tools. Metabo is focusing on power and run-time, stating that the new saw can cut more than 98 feet of chipboard with a single battery pack charge. The tool seems ideal for all the expected roles of a jig saw, like HVAC duct cutting, cabinet making and fitting, and just about any plywood application you can think of.