Tool Reviews

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Hitachi DV18DBL Brushless Hammer Drill Preview

Hitachi DV18DBL Brushless Hammer Drill Preview

First it was Milwaukee’s Brushless FUEL Drills, then Makita got into the game. Hitachi Power Tools wasn’t far behind that (and really, the orders get confusing, but let’s just congratulate all of the manufacturers for innovating here). Now, the company is announcing new additions to its line of 18V Brushless tools. In particular, they are adding a new DV18DBL Brushless Hammer Drill. The new DV18DBL ramps up the power from the DS18DBL, which had 593 in-lbs of torque, to an impressive 654 in-lbs of turning torque. It comes with a 1/2″ ratcheting keyless all-metal chuck which feature carbide inserts for secure bit retention. This is a great addition for a tool designed to hammer into concrete. The clutch is designed to actually deliver 22 different torque settings, plus a hammer setting and drill mode for maximum torque. The tool is a compact 8.1″ in length, which is about a 1/10″ shorter than Milwaukee’s new Hammer Drill. It’s also fairly lightweight for a hammer drill at 4.8 lbs. The DV18DBL is sold as a kit and comes with two 3.0Ah Lithium-ion Slide Type batteries, a quick charger, side handle, carrying case and double sided Phillips driver bit.

Makita 12V Max Lithium-Ion Recipro Saw Kit RJ01W Preview

Makita RJ01W 12V Max Recipro Saw Kit Preview

Earlier this week we spied out some of Makita’s new 12V tools that had made it to the UK market and wondered how quickly, if ever, they would make it to our shores. Turns out the first product didn’t take very long. Makita just released its new Makita 12V Max Lithium-Ion Recipro Saw Kit (model RJ01W). This is a new one-handed reciprocating saw that gives you power in a compact package to accomplish all sorts of tasks. What’s more, Makita is also offering the new saw as part of a 2-piece combo kit (model LCT212W) where it’s bundled with a 12V max Lithium-Ion 3/8″ Driver-Drill.

ZipWall ZipDoor Dust Barrier Solution for Doorways

ZipWall ZipDoor Dust Barrier Solution for Doorways

We attended the 2012 International Builders Show in Orlando, Florida and were making our rounds when our eye was caught by the ZipDoor. This is a dust barrier product that makes it super-easy to cover a doorway and seal off a room from dust ingress and/or egress. The ZipDoor kit comes with everything you need, including a roll of tape and plastic lining and is designed for use in residential or commercial applications. Featuring ZipWall’s new double-sided tape and heavy duty, glued-in zippers, the ZipDoor installs – literally – in under one minute to provide a complete dust barrier. The ZipDoor is made of 4 mil plastic sheeting and comes in both standard (doors up to 3’x7′) and commercial (doors up to 4’x8′) sizes. In addition to being larger, the commercial version of the ZipDoor is also fire retardant.

Benchmade Triage 916 Knife Review

Benchmade Triage 916 Knife Review

The Benchmade Triage 916 Knife might be one of the best tools to have on hand in an emergency. Even the name “Triage” imply the three main purposes of this folding knife which include a flip out strap cutter, carbide window breaker and rugged, purpose built blade. Grippy G10 handle scales, backed with full stainless steel liners, inspire confidence because of its rigid construction. The simplicity and power of the AXIS blade lock makes blade deployment and folding nearly effortless. Thankfully, we have not been in (or had to create) a “situation” to use this knife as it was designed. After our own testing and use, we find it very reassuring to know that having this knife clipped in a pocket could literally prove the difference between life or death.