PenCoAmerica RevMark Marker
As far as marking tools go, the “Sharpie” style of marker has remained one of my favorites on the jobsite. […]
The following reviews of measuring tools includes the best tape measure, box levels, squares, and laser measuring devices. That last category is becoming more and more extravagant. Advanced laser measures can be used for both distance as well as calculating volume and area from multiple measurements. For the best laser level reviews, new measuring tools include laser systems that can generate horizontal, vertical, and plumb lines simultaneously. Aside from the tools mentioned above, we also review new smart tools with Bluetooth functionality so tradesmen can understand what works—and what’s gimmicky. As technology improves, our reviews continue to analyze and compare modern tools against the trade and true performers. In this way we can see if new advances improve or just make more complex the tools we use. The last thing we want is to slow down the process of layout and measuring.
As far as marking tools go, the “Sharpie” style of marker has remained one of my favorites on the jobsite. […]
Lufkin Legacy Series Tape Measures Offer a Blend of Classic Look and Modern Design Lufkin Legacy Series Tape Measures have […]
You may not think of a level as having a lot of room for improvements, but then again you may […]
Set to launch this July is Empire’s e75 Series True Blue Box Levels. The incoming class is the latest upgrade to […]
Bosch is bringing another affordable cross line laser to the market in the form of the new Bosch GLL 30. […]
General ToolSmart Tools include Bluetooth connectivity for capturing data to your smartphone and helping you perform calculations on the fly. […]
Hilti PR 300-HV2S Dual Slope Rotating Laser Continues to Add Functionality to Jobsite Tough Design The new Hilti PR 300-HV2S Dual […]
Bosch Digital Levels Make Jobsite Angles Easier to Define Most levels can only tell you if what you’re working on is […]
No matter what kind of construction you find yourself in, you can’t do your job effectively without a level. We’ve […]
Available now is the new Hilti PR 3-HVSG Green Rotating Laser, an addition to their rotating laser series. Just last August, Kenny reviewed Hilti’s […]