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Whether it’s cold hard facts or editorials by our professional staff, Pro Tool Reviews tells it like it is. We deliver a steady stream of power tool news for the construction and housing industry. Hopefully, this will keep you abreast of what’s happening in the construction industry. Our industry insights, articles, and editorials cover construction industry topics affecting professional tradesmen and business owners. If you’re in the construction business—no matter if you work on the jobsite or in the office—you need to know what trends and tools are shaping the work you do. Our team delivers both news & opinion to keep you up to speed and ahead of the curve. Because of this, you can be in the know with respect to OSHA regulations, modern construction methods, and therefore any other developments taking place that could affect your work. While our power tool reviews and hand tool reviews let you know what’s hot from the manufacturers. For everything else, you’ll want to stay tuned to our news and opinion editorial coverage.

Duo-Fast Jet-Tac Tack Strip Epoxy Preview

Duo-Fast Floor Fastening Systems is introducing Jet-Tac Tack Strip Epoxy. This new product is a quick-set epoxy that is ideal for tack strip installation on many materials including concrete or wood. With a specially designed nozzle, the two part epoxy is mixed automatically as it comes out of the caulk gun so it is ready to use.

Thief Returns Circular Saw After 50 Years

I like heartwarming stories. This one’s not heartwarming, but it speaks to repentance – and that’s a start. 85 year-old Mel Yoder recently received a cardboard box, roughly taped up and with his name and current address labeled on the side in black marker. As it turns out, the package contained a decades old Porter-Cable circular saw. The same one that was taken out of his truck back in 1959 when he stopped for coffee at a restaurant in Hartville, OH.