Electric Ford F-150 Tows Train with 1,250,000 Pounds

Electric Ford F-150 Tows Train

I’ve driven a Ford F-150 for over 3 years now, and I don’t think I’ll ever go back. Besides having upgraded my truck with lots of goodies, I simply love the vehicle’s design and performance. The idea of an electric truck, however, still remains “fringe”. Ford is attempting to shatter any remaining doubts this week when it pulled a train carrying 1.25 million pounds. And it did it with an electric Ford F-150 prototype.

Electric Ford F-150 Tows Train 1000 Feet

The double-decker train made up 1,000,000 pounds, and the electric F-150 pulled it 1000 feet (the desired target) at an average speed of 5 mph or so. Then the chief engineer for the electric F-150, Linda Zhang, decided that wasn’t enough.

So she loaded up the train with 42 F-150 Supercrew trucks.

That brought the weight to around 1.25 million pounds. Running the test again, Linda said she could definitely feel the additional weight, but the truck made the 1000-foot run again.

Record-Breaking for Electric Ford F-150?

The last time we saw a stunt like this was when the Tesla Model X pulled a Boeing 787. That one went into the Guinness Book of World Records. That was 130 metric tons (260,000 pounds) in Australia on May 15, 2018. It looks like Ford has just shattered that record.

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